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Meet The Coaches: Vida Carey

Meet Vida Carey, ADHD Coach at Agave Health! Learn more about her background, what inspires her and how she helps countless adults with ADHD find their uniqueness and thrive.

April 2023, Agave Health Team

How long have you been an ADHD Coach?

I have been an ADHD coach for five years.

What has been your personal experience with ADHD?

I was a public school teacher who specialized in Special Education and Behavior Modification for 15 years. I had countless students in and out of my classroom with ADHD and many other learning disabilities. As my own children started getting older, we learned that they both had ADHD and Autism. Like many adults today, when my children were getting tested, we discovered that my husband and I both have neurodivergent minds. It is hugely validating and explains so much from our own childhoods. It also allowed us to be more understanding of each other as parents and just everyday married life.

Why did you become an ADHD Coach?

I became an ADHD coach because I saw this huge need for adults with ADHD after high school. There was zero scaffolding once they received their diploma and walked across the stage. Many of my former students would call me asking for help when the executive dysfunction became an issue. I started helping them one on one and then I had a few of their parents join in. It exploded on me and I knew that there was this huge community that needed help.

ADHD Coaching is a holistic approach that is life changing.

Why do you think ADHD Coaching helps people with ADHD?

I think ADHDers need accountability, support, and understanding, that is what an ADHD coach gives to their clients. We understand all the things you are going through. We can help you feel supported and not alone. We can help you be accountable to yourself and the things you need to get done. It is a holistic approach that is different than people expect but it is life changing in the end.

What is the biggest misconception about adult ADHD in your opinion?

The biggest misconception is if adults with ADHD tried a little harder then they would be able to do all the things. This statement makes me shake my head every single time I hear it.

Why did you join Agave Health as an ADHD Coach?

This is a service that so many people are unable to afford with private coaches. I joined Agave Health because I believe in their mission to provide accessible and affordable ADHD coaching to everyone. I love how with Agave our clients are getting much more than a coach, they are getting wrap-around support and a community.

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