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Our mission is to provide comprehensive and affordable care to every adult with ADHD


Bringing the next generation of care to adults with ADHD

Adult ADHD is misunderstood and poorly addressed, and society as a whole is weakened by it. Generations of adults misdiagnosed in their childhood navigate life with executive function difficulties, getting inadequate and expensive support. We rebalance the scale, bringing adults with ADHD the comprehensive, professional and empowering care they deserve, at an affordable price.

Founded by high-tech industry veterans Ori Fruhauf and Eve Lise Mamane, Agave Health provides the most extensive care package for adult ADHD. At Agave, putting the highest quality of care in the hands of millions is what makes us wake up in the morning. Generating real and long lasting outcomes for our members sits at the core of how we think and build.

ADHD doesn’t take any shortcuts on impacting one’s life. We take no shortcuts in providing the best care possible to navigate life with it.


Our Values

No Shortcuts

ADHD in adulthood is deeply disruptive and tenacious. There is no easy fix to navigate it. At Agave, we make no compromise on quality of care. We strive to bring the very best care to all, as affordably as possible.

Empowerment & self-compassion

ADHD in adulthood can feel frustrating and paralyzing. Often, it hides incredible talent. The Agave approach focuses on self-compassion to see through the rugged exterior and unleash individual traits to thrive with.

Respect & individuality

Every individual is unique, and every experience with ADHD is unmatched. There is no one-size-fits-all approach we abide by. Tailored care is what we do.

Genuine human care

The best care is human and genuine, not formatted or binary. We encourage our care teams to build deep relationships with every Agave member.

Clinical Advisory Board

Building the right care framework with a team of experts.


Backed by mission-driven funds

Together, we prioritize quality of care, because improving one’s quality of life is the most important mission of all.

Let’s talk

Whether you are interested in joining our team, partnering with us or discussing about Agave Health, we are happy to chat!

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